Bright-field/dark-field imaging/spectroscopy setup NanoMicroSpec™

Fully integrated dark-field/bright-field microscopy and imaging spectroscopy setups for visible and near-IR wavelength range.

Available in two configurations: optimized for dark-field transmission measurements (NMS-T) or for dark-field reflection measurements (NMS-R).

High versatility through modular design with several available add-ons and extensions.

Compact, user-friendly software for full control of all hardware components (NT&C LabControl™) and extensive data analysis (NT&C SpectraAnalysis™).


Detailed specifications

Price: upon request

Microscopy flow cells

Specialized gas flow cell for microscopic measurements in a controlled environment:

Gas flow cell specs

Specialized liquid flow cell for microscopic measurements in any liquid environment, including electrode connectors for elechtrochemical investigations:

Electrochemistry flow cell specs

Price: upon request

Solid Immersion Lens

hemispherical, material ZrO2, n=2.1, also available in glass n=2.0 diameter 1000 microns, thickness 500 microns, tolerances < 2 microns

one EUR 500, two or more EUR 400 each